Friday, April 6, 2012

Life in your 20s

“Your 20’s are your ‘selfish’ years. It’s a decade to immerse yourself in every single thing possible. Be selfish with your time, and all aspects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little, and never touch the ground.”

I absolutely adore this quote. Upon first read I was thinking, “Yeah, I am in my 20s I need to enjoy it! Let’s go out and get wild and make some long lasting memories.” However, upon further reflection I realized that this is not how I want to receive this quote. Rather than looking at my 20s as a time to go out and get crazy with my girls while at the same time dabbling in the lessons of love, I want to use this time in my life to experience everything else the world has to offer. I have done my share of “partying”: staying out late, dancing on tables, laughing until the wee hours of the morning, and bar hopped like it was my job. But now I want to grow in the other areas of my life and develop in to a more complete being.

Don’t get me wrong, I will still go to the bars with my friends and probably make 1 million more mistakes in my life, but I also want to make some great revelations about who I am as a person and who I want to become. Maybe I’ll fall in love this year? Maybe I’ll join a book club? Maybe I will try some crazy new exotic food? Maybe I will finally try to pull off the pastel jean look? I hope it is all of the above! This is one of the few times in my life where I think I can be completely selfish and get away with it… no boyfriend, no obligations keeping me locked in one place, no children… so you know what? I think I will cherish this period in my life.

So far my 20s have been amazing: 

20: Spent the most memorable year of my life living in Stellenbosh, South Africa

20: Fell in Love

20: Pet a cheetah in South Africa.

20: Visited the Southern most part of Africa with 2 of the most amazing ladies I have ever met.

21: Met Ms. Jenna Finch! A traveling soul much like myself :) Take a look at her blog.


21: Wished my very dear friend the best of luck as she moved to Chicago to pursue a career and a new life.

21: Celebrated my best friend since high school's 21 birthday

22: Spent a summer studying at the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France

22: Traveled to Amsterdam

22: Sat in a big clog in Amsterdam :)

23: Cultivated and strengthened life long friendships

ALL OF MY 20S IN A NUTSHELL: Crazy nights with incredible people making amazing memories

I turn 24 in 19 days and in 5 months I will be moving to Ukraine for 2+ years. Let’s see what the world {and the rest of my 20s} has in store for me! 


  1. aww nice memmory photos, love it.

    follow me if youmlove and i'll follow back

  2. I LOVE this! And I miss you, and a big part of me wishes I was going to eastern Europe with you, I feel I'm starting to get stuck in a rut in SA since it's SO difficult to travel on the Rand.

    Luckily I'm going to Rwanda end of this month :) Maybe I can meet up with you in Ukraine next year!



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