Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Which road would you like to travel?

Do you ever sit and reflect on your journey thus far and think about how far you’ve come? I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately and I am not sure if it’s because I am moving away so soon or if it’s just natural for a 24 year old. So many things seem to trigger my nostalgia these days. Earlier this month it was a 4th of July reunion with some girlfriends where I realized that we had been friends for 10 years—more shocking was that it had been 10 years since I began high school; last night it was during a dinner with a family friend who had just completed her pre university orientation where I realized I had been in her position eagerly awaiting the first day of college 6 years ago. You always hear your elders echo “time flies when you are having fun” but boy where they right. Time is flying by.

Whenever this realization hits me I soon find myself examining the person I am and admiring how far I have come. I’ll take this moment to toot my own horn. I am proud of the person I have become.  I have transitioned from an apathetic teenager more concerned with sports, boys, and the parties I was invited to than with the state of affairs in other parts of the world to a well-traveled, college educated, compassionate person. What’s most exciting is that I still have so much to learn and years of growth left ahead of me. So while I am proud of the road that has brought me to where I am right now, I am most excited for the road which will lead me on my journey ahead.  

Which road would you like to travel?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The road is life

“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” – Jack Kerouac

I have the travel itch today. I am sitting in my cube wishing that I could be visiting any of these places...

I absolutely adore Europe and the skinny cobblestone streets. So much history lines each and every block and every sight is even more breathtaking than the last. I could sit at a cafe on a quiet European street, sipping pinot grigio, reading a book and not move for hours. Anyone else feel like this?

On a completely unrelated note.. I went to a wedding this past weekend and now have weddings on the brain. This dress is to DIE for and I would love to rock a wedding dress like this on my own special day. Amazing.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Motivation

5K run to start my week. How will you start yours?

And I am down 5 pounds.. not bad for a Monday. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beauty Product Breakdown

Yesterday I may or may not have played hooky from work… and I may or may not have gone to the mall to do some serious shopping.

And that serious shopping may or may not have resulted in me spending over $300 in makeup and beauty products.

I know. I am crazy. But rest assured the $300+ was spent wisely on a variety of amazing products.

Let me preface this story by first saying it has been a long time since I seriously replaced/purchased new makeup and beauty products. I was running low on my favorite eye shadow hues and let’s not forget about my dwindling supply of foundation. While most girls frequent the mall and purchase refills of foundation, blush, etc. periodically as to never have to buy too much at once I on the other hand am a major procrastinator. I know this is not an admirable quality especially since makeup goes bad and is very expensive if you buy everything at once (hence the $300) but I just can’t help it. 

Regardless, it happened and I am not ashamed. I snagged some great products, some that I have used before and others that recently captured my heart. I went to the mall with a purpose and new that I wanted to buy fresh products, especially since I will be leaving in September and am not sure whether I will be able to find my favorite items in Ukraine. I want to have enough to get me through my first few months there and then when I begin to run low I can slowly transition to local products—or just have my mom send me a care package.

First stop: Clinique

Love this brand of face wash and skin care products. I recently tried the foaming face wash out a few months ago since I was having some major skin issues as a result of a change in birth control. The foaming face wash leaves your skin feeling so clean and fresh and it serves as a great makeup remover. Big bonus= it doesn’t leave your face feeling dried out. 
This BB cream is a life changer. It is the perfect primer and the spf 30 is great for protecting your skin from the sun plus it’s light mousse body does not make your face feel oily or look too heavy.

I also use Clinique liquid foundation and pressed powder. These 2 products along with the BB cream are an amazing combination and I don’t see myself changing brands anytime soon. I have used MAC foundation (too heavy and did not agree with my skin) and Bare Escentuals (great idea but not enough coverage) and the Clinique brand is by far my favorite. It’s good for the skin and it leaves my face looking flawless.

Second Stop: MAC

Obsessed with my new pink lipstick! Like obsessed obsessed. It is perfect. Pink and girly but still subtle enough for every day wear. I generally love MAC lipstick and plan to stock up on a few more shades before leaving. 

Love the new brand of bronzer they carry. It is less orange than previous products and does not have the glitter specs—I am after all 24 and not 18.

Did you know that you can recycle your old plastic MAC cases—i.e. lipstick, bronzer, foundation- and get a free lipstick in return. Just bring in 6 cases and viola a lipstick is yours!

While at MAC I also picked up 3 new eye shadows for my palate I am building. 

Final Stop: Sephora 
Urban Decay eyes shadow palate. I really love the colors in this palate and for $50 you get all this and a makeup brush. Great deal in my opinion.

Too faced eye shadow palate with pink and neutrals 

Flowerbomb roller ball. If you have not smelled this perfume you are missing out. I have been a Chanel Chance junkie my whole life but I may have just crossed over….

Overall a successful day of shopping I’d say! Nothing makes you feel prettier than new makeup.

What are your favorite beauty products?? 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Meet Murphy..

Murphy is my parents' soon-to-be 6 year old black lab.

He is like a baby and eats at 5:45 am and 5:30 pm every day without fail-- and whines if we are not right on time.

After he eats, he likes to take his dish outside to our lawn; where he proceeds to guard it with his life.

If you get too close he gets up and runs away with it. It's his favorite game.

Since clearly I want his dish so much (not).

So Silly!

I love this dog so much!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday all! I hope you had a fabulous and relaxing weekend. I myself had a great weekend full of good times with friends. Friday night I headed to Redwood City to meet with my friend Stephen to see a movie and grab a bite to eat. I met Stephen through my ex-boyfriend while I was studying in South Africa. He is a South African currently working towards his PhD at Stanford. He is a great guy and it is always so much fun to catch up with him. We saw “Savages”, which I LOVED and then headed to a local wine bar for some wine/beers. All in all a great night!

Saturday night was my best friend’s birthday and she had a party in San Francisco. The venue was amazing. They reserved the back patio for the birthday party and everyone had a great time hanging outside on a warm (ish) San Francisco Summer night. I drank way too many vodka cranberries but had an amazing time.

Sunday I stayed in bed until the afternoon telling myself I’ll never drink again. But that is neither here nor there.

This weekend I realized that I do not take nearly enough photos. I’ll work on that.

On Saturday I had another epiphany… I love lace. I went shopping and nearly everything I bought was lace/crochet inspired. I’m not complaining, just recognizing a pattern. What’s not to love about such a girly yet edgy look?? I love the soft detail that it brings to an outfit but paired with the right items it can have a rather rock and roll feel as well.

Busy week ahead! My parents are returning from Europe on Wednesday after being gone for 3.5 weeks. I have so much to catch up on with chores, work, packing, etc. since I thought it was a good idea to squander my weekend out with friends rather than being at all productive. Oh well, c'est la vie!

And just because I think this is cute...

Friday, July 13, 2012


Sometimes it just hits you. It comes out of nowhere and you are pleasantly surprised. 
It's the realization that you are capable of anything you put your mind to.

What you may ask helped me reach this epiphany? Success at work? Excellent date? 

Nope. It was running. 

I was an athlete my entire life. I played soccer, basketball, water polo, swimming, etc. Once I got to college all that routine slipped away and I realized I had taken for granted having a constant workout schedule as induced by team sports. Needless to say, the late night meals, beer drinking, and sleeping till noon did not play favorably for my figure.

I gained weight, how cliché.

Funny thing is I recognized it right away and took action at the end of my sophomore year. I took off to South Africa to study abroad and put fitness first during that time away. When I returned to the US I was in great shape. Like really great. Better than high school, great.

But that didn’t last (thank you horrible break up).

So here I am again. 2 years later. I have set goals and am ready to get back to it. Priority number 1: I want to become a runner so that I can reach my fitness goals (by September) and carry on a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. Plus, you can run anywhere and it’s free.

I’ve gone running (let’s be honest run-walking) 3 times this week and last night was a huge moment for me. I set my iPod Nike+ to a 5k setting and took off with my dog. I wanted to see how I did since up until this point I had kept my runs hovering around 2 miles….

I did it. Not only did I do it, I did it in 27 minutes. And those 27 minutes included a few stops for my dog. PLUS I only stopped to walk for a moment 3 times/max 4.

I am proud of myself. And honestly that was the confidence boost and kick start to this regime that I needed.

Can’t wait to get out there again!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Positive Affirmations

I began working at my current job in October of 2012. The turn around from application to hire was incredible. I think the from the time I submitted the online application to when I was called and offered the position was 1.5 weeks. I immediately took a strong liking to this new corporate immigration law firm and found that I was appreciated, challenged, and respected. My Supervisor wanted to give me ever increasing job responsibilities and was constantly offering me praises for the thorough job I was doing. Things were going fabulous and each day I learned new details about immigration and was growing professionally in a way I had never experienced but had always imagined. In March my boss left for maternity leave.  And thus began a rough couple months.

Our office handles immigration matters and acts as sole legal counsel for major technology companies in Silicon Valley. We work on teams, each team specifically working on one company’s legal matters, and within the team we are divided by paralegals and immigration coordinators.  This means that our daily duties are rather isolated and with my boss out I did not have anyone to supervise my work directly and offer feedback as necessary. When things slowed down a bit, which often happens with immigration, I became ridden with self-doubt and questioned my position in the office. I strongly believe that this irrational fear that I was going to be fired- I rarely did anything incorrectly and am very thorough in my job- due to the steady slow down we were experiencing was completely driven by my upcoming departure for the Peace Corps. I knew that I would be giving notice in August but I still desperately needed this job to last until then. Anyways, the point is I’ve felt overly sensitive and cautious of my job performance these last few weeks and it was not a good feeling. I honestly found myself feeling so down and unhappy; it was tough to get up for work and maintain a happy composure.

Enter today, July 12. After a rough start to the week I came in this morning and at about 9:45 my phone rang. Oh man, it’s the boss. Like the boss, boss. Heart pumping I answer the phone and hope that an earlier snafu in the week is not the reason for this call. My boss proceeds to tell me that even though my supervisor is still out on maternity leave and my review isn’t until next month, they want to give me a raise. WHAT?! She continues on by praising me for the job that I have done this far, saying that she is happy with my performance and believes they deserve a pat on the back for hiring me. She assured me that I am a great fit for the office and they are happy to have me as part of the team. I am grinning from ear to ear.

It’s just what I needed to hear.

Now I am ready to go shopping and treat myself with something pretty and wind down the night with a glass (or two) of wine.

Monday, July 2, 2012

8 Ways to a Happier You

I stumbled upon this article posted on SELF online and couldn't help but share. It really is inspiring advice and encouraged some needed self-reflection on this wonderful Monday. I plan to live up to these 8 traits and will try to continue to change myself for the better through self reflection and growth. 

8 Ways to a Happier You

What it is: Doing what's in line with your most fundamental goals, even when you're tempted to stray.
Why it matters: Self-control pushes you to make the difficult choice (go to the gym) over the immediately appealing option (sleep) for a result that will eventually pay off (a better bod). College students who scored high on self-control not only earned better grades but also were less depressed and anxious, had stronger personal bonds and hardier self-esteem, and had fewer struggles with food, theJournal of Personality notes.
How to get more: "Think, talk or blog about what you're ultimately aiming for and why," says Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., author of The Willpower Instinct. "The more it's top of mind, the more automatic doing the right thing will become." Plus, studies show that when you consistently make hard choices in one area of life (for example, your diet), you'll feel more willpower in others. (Suddenly, going for runs and tackling that work project feel easier. Go figure.)



What it is: The raw endurance, perseverance and passion that keep you going despite obstacles.
Why it matters: Realizing big dreams takes work. When researchers at the University of Pennsylvania asked people in various fields, from banking to art, to describe star performers, grit came up over and over. (It's also closely linked with a higher college GPA.) Being gritty isn't always fun. Says Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor: "It can mean working 24/7 if that's what it takes." That's why grit requires passion. It's easier to plug away at a goal if you're fired up.
How to get more: You can develop grit by taking what Peterson calls long cuts rather than shortcuts. "Build up your grit gradually, like a muscle," Peterson says. For instance, if you're psyched about cooking, make a homemade version of your favorite take-out dish. Love politics? Crack an in-depth article about your favorite candidate, instead of scanning headlines. "Engaging fully takes extra time, and that's the point. You'll develop mental stamina."



What it is: A penchant for seeking out the new and different.
Why it matters: People who describe themselves as intentionally curious report greater life satisfaction and a deeper sense of meaning. They're also apt to push themselves to learn and meet their goals, Motivation and Emotion reports. Curious folks are also better problem solvers. "If you cast about for diverse solutions, you're less liable to go with the first thing you come up with," says Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., author of Curious? That's good, because if you focus solely on finding the right answer, you'll miss a chance to hit on something truly original. At the least, you'll have fun exploring kooky ideas and have amazing conversations along the way.
How to get more: "As soon as we think we're an expert in something, we usually stop paying attention and switch into autopilot," Kashdan says. So when you're doing something you've done a thousand times, like asking a sibling how work is going, make it your goal to see what's different this time. "Rather than starting with a rote 'What's going on at the office?' find out what weird or funny or interesting thing happened that day," Kashdan suggests. "You'll both end up being more engrossed in the discussion, and the result is a stronger relationship."


What it is: Believing that the best may lie ahead.
Why it matters: If you have faith that good things are likely to happen, you may be more open to opportunities when they arise. Research from Duke University found that optimistic MBA grads got jobs faster, despite being pickier. "When you think you've got a shot, it makes sense that you'll prep more and come across as more confident. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy," adds Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., author of The How of Happiness. Optimists also tend to see setbacks as temporary rather than as a sweeping negative judgment on their abilities—which makes it easier to persevere.
How to get more: Each day, think of three things that went well and why (for example, you got a raise—and you worked for it—or the deli guy gave you a free soda because you're nice to him). Research finds that people who took stock for a week felt happier. If they kept it up, the good mood lasted a full six months. Small effort. Big payoff.


What it is: Close, caring relationships where the good vibes flow both ways.
Why it matters: Love makes it easier to get through tough times and reach your peak potential. According to the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, when people were standing next to a friend, they perceived a hill as less steep than did those who were alone, and the longer they had known the friend, the less steep the hill seemed. Even cooler, merely thinking of ways a loved one had supported them had the same effect.
How to get more: Nurture your friendships, in person, during bad times and good. Most of us are ready to rush to someone going through a hard time. But that's not enough. "Too often, when something great happens for a friend, we don't feel the same urgency to be there for her," Kashdan says. So whether a pal wants to spill the news of her fabulous date or the new apartment she scored, ask for deets. You'll attach positive energy to the bond and help it flourish.

Social Intelligence

What it is: Your gray-dar—how well you pick up on the gray areas of a situation and intuit the things that people don't say out loud.
Why it matters: When you're dealing with tricky office politics, navigating a tense family dinner or trying to decode any interaction in which someone isn't expressing exactly what she means, being able to read people and situations accurately will win you allies and make everyday encounters a lot more fun.
How to get more: Think of yourself as a spy bent on figuring out what your coworker, sister, boss or whoever is feeling but not saying. So if you're pissed at a friend for canceling yet again, hold off on shooting her a snarky text and run through possible reasons she might have flaked. Does she always cancel? Has something changed in her life? How did she act when you saw her last? Then approach her the way you'd want her to talk to you: "I miss hanging out. Is something up?" By letting your pal know you're trying to understand what's going on, you'll avoid a rift and create an opportunity to have a closer friendship.


What it is: Fully appreciating and noticing the good in yourself, other people and the world at large, then giving that appreciation back in spades.
Why it matters: We all say thank you countless times a day, usually automatically. "But when you express true gratitude, you motivate others to be generous, which we know produces joy," says Robert Emmons, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of California in Davis. And unlike self-control or grit, which tends to require a goal, gratitude can exist on its own: "You can be grateful to be alive," Emmons says. The rest is gravy.
How to get more: Add details to your thank-yous: Tell your boyfriend you appreciate his walking the dog because you love not having to rush before work. Or let your sister know how thrilled you are about the playlist she downloaded on your iPod, being sure to mention a few of the songs you rocked out to most. You'll get an added lift from taking pleasure in the little things. Plus, when you express thanks sincerely, you're more likely to get support back.


What it is: Tackling life with energy, excitement, enthusiasm and eagerness.
Why it matters: People filled with positive energy tend to see their work as a calling—and end up more satisfied with what they do and with life in general, theJournal of Organizational Behavior reports.
How to get more: Some people are naturally zestful, but attitude, life goals and health can play a big part. "Someone with autonomy at work, who fills her time with activities she loves and is close with others, is likely to score high on zest scales," says Richard Ryan, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. "Zest is contagious, so surrounding yourself with active, interested and enthusiastic people helps, too," Peterson adds. And when the blahs do hit, listen to your body and take mini-breaks to recharge. Calling a pal or getting outside for a walk can be enough to get your juices flowing again.

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