Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Which road would you like to travel?

Do you ever sit and reflect on your journey thus far and think about how far you’ve come? I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately and I am not sure if it’s because I am moving away so soon or if it’s just natural for a 24 year old. So many things seem to trigger my nostalgia these days. Earlier this month it was a 4th of July reunion with some girlfriends where I realized that we had been friends for 10 years—more shocking was that it had been 10 years since I began high school; last night it was during a dinner with a family friend who had just completed her pre university orientation where I realized I had been in her position eagerly awaiting the first day of college 6 years ago. You always hear your elders echo “time flies when you are having fun” but boy where they right. Time is flying by.

Whenever this realization hits me I soon find myself examining the person I am and admiring how far I have come. I’ll take this moment to toot my own horn. I am proud of the person I have become.  I have transitioned from an apathetic teenager more concerned with sports, boys, and the parties I was invited to than with the state of affairs in other parts of the world to a well-traveled, college educated, compassionate person. What’s most exciting is that I still have so much to learn and years of growth left ahead of me. So while I am proud of the road that has brought me to where I am right now, I am most excited for the road which will lead me on my journey ahead.  

Which road would you like to travel?


  1. I'm glad you're happy with who you are right now! That's really important. You have so many "roads" to choose from in the future, its exciting!

  2. Wow! So many roads and so many journeys. It's the best part of life even though you don't realize it at the time sometimes.

  3. Time really is flying by. It's great that you're happy with where you are and who you have become.

  4. Those images are seriously awesome!
    And yes...I think I have learned more in the past few years than any other time in my life, and that is because the road had many struggles and many triumphs. You learn and grow from both!
    :) Anna

  5. well this is definitely making me think about my life! More than I thought I would on a Sunday night. So cheers to making me think! ;)


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