Friday, July 13, 2012


Sometimes it just hits you. It comes out of nowhere and you are pleasantly surprised. 
It's the realization that you are capable of anything you put your mind to.

What you may ask helped me reach this epiphany? Success at work? Excellent date? 

Nope. It was running. 

I was an athlete my entire life. I played soccer, basketball, water polo, swimming, etc. Once I got to college all that routine slipped away and I realized I had taken for granted having a constant workout schedule as induced by team sports. Needless to say, the late night meals, beer drinking, and sleeping till noon did not play favorably for my figure.

I gained weight, how cliché.

Funny thing is I recognized it right away and took action at the end of my sophomore year. I took off to South Africa to study abroad and put fitness first during that time away. When I returned to the US I was in great shape. Like really great. Better than high school, great.

But that didn’t last (thank you horrible break up).

So here I am again. 2 years later. I have set goals and am ready to get back to it. Priority number 1: I want to become a runner so that I can reach my fitness goals (by September) and carry on a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. Plus, you can run anywhere and it’s free.

I’ve gone running (let’s be honest run-walking) 3 times this week and last night was a huge moment for me. I set my iPod Nike+ to a 5k setting and took off with my dog. I wanted to see how I did since up until this point I had kept my runs hovering around 2 miles….

I did it. Not only did I do it, I did it in 27 minutes. And those 27 minutes included a few stops for my dog. PLUS I only stopped to walk for a moment 3 times/max 4.

I am proud of myself. And honestly that was the confidence boost and kick start to this regime that I needed.

Can’t wait to get out there again!


  1. Thank you for your comment!!
    Well done you! I am trying to get into a running routine as well, and it's true to say that the first few weeks are the hardest.. plus I keep giving myself excuses, and that's NOT good! haha
    So anyway good luck to you!

  2. Newest follower :)


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