Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sweat is fat crying.... right?

Only one more day until Friday! I had a great workout this morning, the kind where you want to die half way through, and am now feeling inspired and ready to take on the day. But boy oh boy was that workout hard! I just kept reminding myself…..

The workout was:

“Tabata Fight Gone Bad” 
(tabata intervals are 20 seconds work out 10 seconds rest x 8) and we had 1 minute rest between each exercise

Wall Balls
Summo deadlift high pulls @ 53 lbs
Box jumps
Push press @ 53 lbs
Row for calories

But the end I was dyingggg. It was so hard but so worth it! I have been doing crossfit for 5 months now and I love it! I can feel myself getting stronger and healthier. My goal is to be more consistent in going though.. Life gets so busy and I find myself slacking off. How do you find time to go to the gym on a frequent basis? 


  1. Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comment on my post today. You're right...I think I'd regret it if I compromised my writing dreams for the security of a 9-5 job. It's just so hard to feel confident about my choices all the time!
    I LOVE that graphic. I should post that on my fridge. Maybe on the freezer, right over the ice cream :)
    I've been working out extra hard lately, too, and it hurts (SO BAD) while I'm doing it but I feel so great afterwards. Keep it up, lady!

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  2. I kinda prefer working out at home to going to the gym. Things like jumping rope and pushups and wall sits and stuff. Or taking loooonnnng walks/jogs. But even that stuff can be hard to fit in ... especially when I have a free morning and all I end up doing is looking at blogs. :P


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