Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Fling

Spring has arrived! It is sunny and warm in California and I am loving every minute of it. Although I am stuck in the office Monday-Friday and do not have a chance to enjoy this beautiful weather, I plan to take advantage of the sunshine all weekend.

Tomorrow I will be taking this stud to the beach

I absolutely love taking this handsome dog to the beach. He runs like crazy, plays in the water, and is just overwhelmingly happy. It makes me happy to see him so happy {cheesy,  I know} . There is a great dog beach in Santa Cruz where Murphy can be off his leash and all you can see is miles and miles of ocean and sandy beach. There are tons of other people with their dogs and it is sure to be a relaxing day. I will bring a book so that I can catch up on my reading and maybe work on my tan a little bit.

Sunday will be a day of rest. I plan to attend Easter Mass at the stunning Santa Clara Mission with my mom and dad. It is sure to be lovely and although I do not attend mass regularly and my faith is something I have struggled with in my adult life, I am excited to go and share the experience with my parents.  After Mass I MUST catch up on my Peace Corps paperwork and starting planning my time here. I have been procrastinating on applying for my visa and Peace Corps passport mostly because I don’t leave for another 5 months which allows me to trick myself into a false sense of security. This time is going to FLY by so I need to just get it done so that I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Good news is I can take all the forms and packets outside and work on it while sitting in the sun.

How about you? Any exciting plans for the weekend? 


  1. What a handsome dog. I think anyone would be proud/happy to have him along, anywhere. :) And Murphy is a GREAT name for him.

    Your weekend sounds like it'll be productive/enjoyable ... I don't even know what mine will hold yet :P Kind of a moment by moment person a lot of the time, can't you tell ...

  2. ALL I have been talking about lateyl is how I wish I lived near a beach so I can take my dog... I'm just positive he will love it. One day hopefully I can. Have a great weekend.

  3. Ok, your weekend plans sound so incredibly dreamy! I envy the fact that you live so close to the beach. Maybe one day I'll be so lucky. Enjoy every minute of it! Xo


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