Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Joys of Moving

Did I say joys? I''m sorry, I meant horrors.I hate moving. 

It is stressful
It is hard
It is terrifying!

So this is what I have to look forward to for the next week:

It wouldn't be so bad if I were moving somewhere fabulous. 

But instead of shopping for new home furnishings and planning how to decorate a posh new living space...
I am moving home

Yes, I am moving back in with my parents. How un-exciting. But I leave in roughly 4 months to start a new life living abroad in the Ukraine so I want to move home now to save some cash monies.

I've decided to pretend I am moving to a downtown apartment in a magical city...

...So cue the pinterest browsing. 

Lounging in Florence.

Primping in London.

Laundering in Barcelona.

Sweet dreams in Paris.

Ahhhh, a girl can dream. Right?


  1. Yes she can and I believe a lot of these images will be playing in mine tonight! Beautiful!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Caked Vintage Blog

  2. Love it!! A girl can definitely dream! So excited to hear all about your Peace Corps adventures!


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